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No Fear

By Sister Sadie

December 11, 2023 — “Eagerly awaited” might be one of the most over-used phrases around when it comes to new recordings, but in the case of bluegrass-and-more quintet Sister Sadie, No Fear, their first full-length project for Mountain Home Music Company — now available for pre-save/add ahead of its January 26 release — is exactly … Continued

Bright Sunny South


Bright Sunny South” captures a deep sense of longing and nostalgia for the narrator’s homeland. The lyrics steeped in themes of love, loss and an enduring bond with the places we call home, reflect the narrator’s unwavering affection for their homeland despite the passage of time and life’s hardships. This heartfelt desire to return and … Continued

So It Goes


So it Goes……And, So it Went! Mission Hill’s catalog of originals came into being when Richard scribbled a twist on Vonnegut’s existential mantra, somehow inspiring this bunch of songs which were written, according to him, with the disbelief that it could be done. Richard notes that it seems clear we aren’t really sure why we … Continued

Matthew’s Mansion


Matthew’s Mansion is a song that addresses homelessness and substance abuse. It tells the story of a family man, his battle with addiction, and his faith. It’s a great story that can opens the listener’s eyes and heart to understanding homelessness in our world today.

All On A Rising Day


“All on a rising day” is a song written with the hope that all of humanity can coincide with each other. Given the circumstances of so much social anxiety, All on a rising day is a song that encourages love and acceptance.