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Hobo’s Lament


Written by Bluegrass hit-writer, Mark “Brink” Brinkman and his buddy, Glenn Adkins. After hearing Nathan pick and sing at a jam session, Brink suggested to Nathan that he might like this particular song he’d written years earlier but no one ever recorded. Brink said he wrote it with Tony Rice in mind, but Tony quit … Continued


By Katelyn Mabry

"Getaway" is the debut solo project of Bluegrass Artist, Singer/Songwriter Katelyn Ingardia. These songs are a audible examples of the sounds and styles of music that Katelyn has drawn inspiration from. This project is comprised of 10 orginal songs, 7 from Ingardia's catalog and 3 co- writes. Two songs were co-written with Paula Breedlove and … Continued